October 2004

President's Message

Chris Ulibarri

 BIG COUNTRY AIRFEST 2004 is now a part of our EAA 471 history and you all as chapter members came through with your helping hands in true aviation fashion. What I am speaking about is your spirit of volunteerism. Where ever you looked at the Airfest there were EAA Chapter 471 members volunteering their free time to help ensure success of Big Country Airfest 2004. Thanks to all of you for volunteering.

 The morning started out with the Young Eagles event that despite the low overcast and weather delay was a great success. The kids enjoyed their flights and were thrilled by the experience. Thanks to David Marten who put together a winning team as usual with pilots, registration, marshaller's and everyone involved making it a tremendous success.

 EAA Chapter members were everywhere in leadership roles working hard to ensure success such as Ray Parrish, our Air Boss.



Without a doubt, Ray strongly believes in a flying event that will be remembered for years to come. Ray was in charge of signs, barricades, communication, and of course the Airshow flying activities. Tim McMurray was in charge of ramp control and did an especially difficult job considering the area he had to cover. Lew Jones was in charge of Security and Safety for all of the area on the flight line and off. He did a great job especially in today's environment, which made his job even more difficult. Gray Bridwell was in charge of Military aircraft, parking RV's, and coordinated parking of these aircraft. He was also the Big Country Airfest 2004 President who coordinated everything from the planning to execution of the Big Country Airfest 2004. I was there for most of the Airfest meetings and it was obvious from the beginning he would lead us to one heck of a great Airshow. Charlotte Rhodes was in charge of the registration booth for incoming pilots and aircraft and was their first contact for these arriving pilots. She did an excellent job helping them to get settled into Abilene by providing rooms, transportation, and make them feel welcomed for their participation in Airfest.


 Everyone can feel proud of your efforts at making this as successful an Airshow as possible. Our volunteer force was exceptional from our EAA Chapter 471 and the support we got from sponsors such as Carl Martin of the Abilene Rotary Club, Bob McMillan of Abilene Aero, and Nancy Paup and Larry Sanders from TSTC was also exceptional. There were over 30 sponsors (too many to mention) and we appreciate all of them and thank them for their help. Proceeds from the Airshow will go to such organizations as Ben Richey's Boy's Ranch, etc. so your efforts went to a good cause.

 A lot of folks put in a great deal of time, money, and effort into making this one heck of a good Airshow and I believe with a great deal of success. Those folks that couldn't attend for whatever reason, missed an excellent Airshow because it was tons


better than last years. We learned a lot from last year and I believe we learned a lot from Airfest 2004 as well. I can't wait to see what there is in store for the Big Country Airfest 2005. Thanks again to all of you that volunteered and for your dedication to making Big Country Airfest 2004 a success and for making your EAA Chapter 471 shine once again in our local community.

 Note: Dan Weber, the Abilene Airport Manager, has our letter of intent for hangar #3 and hope to hear something soon on it and on hangars #5 and #6. Now that Big Country Airfest 2004 is behind us, we can concentrate our efforts on acquiring hangar #3 and more flying activities to the end of the year.  ~Chris~





We survived another successful Airfest.  Thanks to everyone who volunteered, we couldn't have done it without you.  A special thanks to the Airfest committee, who put forth great effort in making this all come together.  Our organization was much better this year and we even received a compliment on just that at the pilot registration tent.  Next year will be even better!  The weather really tried to get us, but it didn't stop everyone.  We had approximately fifty


pilots register and I saw several at the Saturday night party that did not.  We sold six-hundred sixty-eight dollars worth of shirts/hats and pins and added one new member to our Chapter.  Not bad for a one day event.  Plans are already under way for next year.  If you saw anything that you think we might do better please let me know and I will pass it along.  See everyone at breakfast! ~Charlotte~


Airfest Thoughts

By Gray Bridwell

 Well... The Big Country Airfest 2004 is over until next year. It was a very successful weekend with many people leaving Abilene saying things like "That's the best Airshow I have ever seen", "I got to get so close to the planes and talk with the pilots", "Your group is so organized".  For those of us who worked every aspect, we all worked very hard and things went off without a hitch.  We have held the debrief.  No major issues were brought to the table, and the challenge has been put forth to do twice what we did last year.  We accomplished that this year over last year, and hope to do it again.  We have assembled a great team that will go to work earlier and beat the time crunch.  It is a shame all of us cannot spend hours everyday working to put on this show as we all would like to do.  Truth of the matter is, our bosses would fire us and then where would we be?


A heart felt thank you goes out from me to all of those who helped make this a special day in aviation. 


 Hey Guys,

 Congratulations on a great fly-in, airshow and party.  You folks and all involved should be very proud.  Most of all, thank you for the warm and genuine hospitality.  Karla and I, and all the fly-in guests were amongst friends in Abilene.   We are already looking forward to next year!

 Have a great week,

 Kevin and Karla



 Cynth and I had a great time...too bad weather hampered the turn out. I guess that's part of the fly in game, eh?  Great people and atmosphere, though!  The accommodations and hospitality were top-notch!...certainly above and beyond our expectations.   Thanks!

We had a good ride home....had to go north into OK to avoid west Texas weather.  Once in Colorado, skies cleared and we had a beautiful ride over the Rockies.  Light dusting of snow above tree line and blue, blue skies.  Not too rough for that route, either. 



Take care and thanks for having us down! Until next year!



Van's Aircraft


 EAA Chapter 471 will hold its monthly breakfast on October 9th at the Pride Hangar beginning at 9:00 am.  Setup will be at 5:00 pm Friday.

 Chapter Christmas Party


 Chapter 471's Christmas party date is set for Saturday, December 18 at Fairway Oaks Country Club.  Dinner will be $15 per person.  Mark your calendars!



Las Cruces

Land of Enchantment

 Fly-out Planned


Gray Bridwell is putting together a group to fly out to Las Cruces, NM for the annual Land of Enchantment (LOE) fly-in.  The event will be October 15 - 17 at the Las Cruces Airport (LRU).

If you are interested in the excursion, contact Gray at  (325) 537-2496 or e-mail at  gray1@jefflutherconstruction.com  More information can be seen at:






EAA Chapter 471


President ~ Chris Ulibarri

Vice-President ~ Sam Evans

Secretary ~ Larry Chapman

Treasurer ~ Dick Humphrey

Director ~ Charlotte Rhodes

Director ~ Lew Jones

Director ~ Dave Marten

Director ~ Willie Walker

Director ~ Bobby Nichols

Past President ~ Gray Bridwell

Radar Blips

 It's better to be down here wishing you were up there, than up there wishing you were down here.  J