January 2005

President's Message

Sam Evans

There's only one way to start-out my first message as Chapter president: Hats off, salute and farewell to our good friend, Willie Walker.   We will surely miss him.


The Chapter Christmas party was superb!  The food was excellent and there was plenty for all.  The highlight of the party was Gray Bridwell's video production. Gray did a great job producing the 17 minute video review of Chapter events from the past year.  And, while we're talking about Gray, take the opportunity to thank him for making the party arrangements with Fairway Oaks Country Club.

For the last couple of weeks, I've been pondering what I should write about in my first President's Message of this newsletter.  "What can I say that will really 'hit a home run' with the members?"  "What direction does the Chapter want to go?"  Tough questions. 

I think most all of us want the same things: membership growth, organized activities such as fly-ins, fly-outs, Airfest, Young Eagles and a 'home' for our Chapter are a few that come to mind. No single member can determine our success.  The success of our Chapter depends on ALL of us. 

Anyone who has ever done volunteer work knows the tribulations and rewards that may come along with the job.  Any of the numerous jobs that Chapter members are involved in are voluntary:

Let's see, there's the breakfast set-up, cooking and cleanup... oh yeah, someone has to take time to go buy the groceries.  Then there's the Young Eagles planning, preparation and flying. Airfest... wow, what can I say.  Just think about what it takes to pull-off the Airfest!  Okay, then there's the folks who plan and coordinate fly-outs... What am I leaving out?  Well, you get the message, and it takes volunteers to get the many jobs done that make the Chapter successful.  What are YOU doing for your Chapter?

I want to say that I look forward to working with the membership and Board of Directors in the months ahead.  I have confidence that, between all of us working together, we will have a great and fun year.

I do have a couple of items that need to be addressed:  First, if you haven't paid your annual dues and/or hangar fee, please do so as soon as possible.  See Gray Bridwell for payment.  We are sending this newsletter to all members that were on the year-end membership list.  Next month, only paid-up members will continue to receive the newsletter.  And second, if you are a paid-up member, be sure you have provided your current mailing address and e-mail address.  I hear of instances where members aren't getting their newsletters and I would like to see that "fixed".  

Last thing now, just so that we're all on the same page, I was appointed as Chapter president due to the resignation of Chris Ulibarri last December.  My term will end in December of this year.  I look forward to working with each of you.

Keep the blue side up.

  ~ Sam ~



Thoughts on Willie Walker

By Gray Bridwell


Willie was a strong supporter of chapter 471.  One could say that he made nearly all the breakfasts, many of the "on the road" Young Eagles and was a large supporter of the "at home" events.

I can recall my first annual on my new plane.  I had never owned a plane, let alone performed an annual.  Willie offered me a lot of technical advice and let me clean the spark plugs with the bead blaster that was at the hangar.  I took the spark plugs out and took them to Willie for him to show me how to clean them.  I had never used a bead blaster let alone held an aviation spark plug.  After a short lesson, I could clean thousands. 

Eating lunch at Henry D's was always a highlight.  I always knew that from 12:00 to 1:00 I could find him there.  Many aviation discussions were held with topics ranging from the how a radial engine works and were put together, planes he flew that were moth balled before I was born to modern day planes. 

Willie was always right there willing to help advance anything aviation, he will be missed.



New Secretary and

Board Members Elected


 Chapter members recently elected Arlis Wright as Secretary along with Harold Canon and Steve Krazer as Board Members.  Your current Chapter officers are shown below.
















EAA Chapter 471
President ~ Sam Evans
Vice-President ~ Charlotte Rhodes 
Secretary ~ Arlis Wright
Treasurer ~ Gray Bridwell
Director ~ Seymour Beitscher
Director ~ Harold Canon
Director ~ Steve Krazer
YE Director ~ Bobby Nichols
Past President ~ Chris Ulibarri


The following is a rerun from the December newsletter.


Fly-out Trips Planned

For 2005


Gray has put together a list of trips that members may be interested in for next year.

Trip data including air routes, fuel stops, ground transportation, lodging, and day trip information will be provided at the January breakfast to each pilot who will be going on the trip.  Booklets will also be available for viewing by potential passengers.





February --

Lunch at Hicks Field


March --

New Orleans


April --



May --

Colorado Springs


June --

Oklahoma City -- Bricktown



July --



August --



September --



October --

Las Cruces

Hicks Field Fly-out

Departs February 19th


A trip to Hicks Field (T67) in Fort Worth is the first of a series of Chapter fly outs scheduled for this year.  Flights depart at 9:00AM on Saturday, February 19th from the T-hangars.  On arrival, the group will have lunch at the Rio Concho Restaurant on the field.  The restaurant boasts of it's $100 hamburger (not really) and their "pies to fly for".  Special guest, Doug Reeves of the well-known Van's Air Force Texas Wing will join the group for lunch.  In addition, a tour of Jay Pratt's, RV Central is scheduled.  Jay runs a shop that specializes in helping RV'ers and other builders get their planes in the air.  He has a wealth of knowledge in building techniques.  For builders looking for that special tool, you'll be able to drop by Avery Tools.  And finally, you'll get a tour of Loren Henson's hangar where he keeps his Bonanza and C-172.  You can get more specifics about the Hicks Field fly-out from Gray Bridwell.   ~Sam~





EAA 471 Website

Running Full Speed


Arlis Wright has continued to produce a great Chapter website.  If you haven't checked it out lately, go to:  http://www.eaa471.org


If you are an EAA member, you can sign-in to the Chapter membership listing.  (Be sure you follow the instructions for entering your username and password.) Good job, Arlis!

Chapter Breakfast Scheduled for January 8


Our Chapter will kick-off the new year with its first breakfast on Saturday, January 8th.  Breakfast begins at 9:00AM at the Pride Hangar, ABI. This will be a good opportunity to get your dues and/or hangar rent paid-up.  Set-up will be at 5:15PM on Friday the 7th


Time To Fly

By Arlis Wright


On a calm, beautiful December morning I had the pleasure of a ride in Gray Bridwell's RV-6A. We toured Abilene and the surrounding countryside including a very good look at the spillway at Fort Phantom Lake, which is near overflowing. (Boy is that a sight to behold for a thirsty Big Country!)  The view was great from the sky, but even better for me was the plane itself, not to mention Gray's accomplished flying skills. This was my first ride in an RV, and I was very impressed. (Impressed to the point that I might even build one myself.) It was a fun, smooth flight, and the plane was very easy to maneuver, even for a pilot want-to-be like myself. Now I know why the RV is listed as one of the

most popular home-built aircraft. All in all, we had a great time and even though my ride was part of a bribe to accept a nomination for EAA 471 Chapter Secretary, it was well worth it! It's not often that I pass up a chance to go flying.

~ Arlis ~


Text Box: The next three pages of the newsletter is information Dr. John Gullett has provided concerning medical qualifications of the new Sport Pilot rule. 
Related information can be obtained from the EAA website at www.eaa.org 




Dan Weber has indicated that there will be an airport gate code change on the 15th of January.  As soon as he tells me the code, I will pass it along to the hangar tenants.   ~ Sam ~

Newsletter Information

 The EAA Chapter 471 newsletter is printed monthly and is comprised of articles and information provided by the Chapter members.  If you have information or articles of interest to Chapter members, you may submit it to the newsletter editor for consideration.

Please submit at least seven (7) days before the end of the month.  Thanks ~ Sam ~


Sam Evans

